Sunday, 18 May 2014

Bangtan Boys Member Profile

Bangtan Boys
Entertainment: Big Hit
Debut: June 12, 2013
Song: No more dream
Brith Name: Kim Seok Jin
Stage Name: Jin
Position: Vocal, Visual
Birthday: December 4, 1992
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Blood Type: O
Nickname: Pink Princess, Jin Princess
He was given his princess nicknames from fans because he likes the color pink.
He also likes Disney princesses.
He is a very good cook.
His favorite foods are lobstermeatand naengmyeon.
He blinks his left eye when he is hungry.
According to the other membershe has the best body in Bangtan.
His role model is T.O.P from BIGBANG.
Brith Name: Min Yoon Gi
Stage Name: Suga
Position: Rapper
Birthday: March 9, 1993
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Nickname: Motionless Min
 Blood Type: O
His favorite food is meat.
His favorite color is white.
His ideal type is a girl who likes music.  More specifically hip-hop.
He likes to make rhymes for everyday situations/gags.
Before debut he says he had legs as nice as any member of GirlsGeneration/SNSD.
His role models are Kanye WestLupe FiascoLil Wayneand Hit Boy.
He is called Motionless Min because on his days off he doesnt do anything.
Birth Name: Jung Ho Seok
Stage Name: J-hope
Position: Rapper,Dancer
Birthday: Febuary 18, 1994
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Blood Type: A
Chose the name “J-Hope” as his stage name because he wants to be a source of light and hope to his fans.

He loves kimchi.

His favorite color is green.
  • He was a JYP trainee.
  • Was the rapper in 2AMs JoKwons “Animal“.
  • His ideal type is a girl who loves himis good at cookingand thinks a lot.
  • He is very clean.
  • His role models are G-dragon of BIGBANGA$AP RockJ.Coleand Beenzino.

Birth Name: Kim Nam Joon
Stage Name: Rap Monster
Position: Leader, Rapper, Composer
Birthday: September 12, 1994
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Nickname: Rap mon, Leader mon, god of destrution
Blood Type: A
BTS has been around since 2010but they debuted in 2013 because of the constant member change up.  Rap Monster is the only member left from the original line up.
His favorite color is black.
He studied in New Zealand.
His ideal type is someone with a nice voicepaleand looks good in white t-shirtjeansand red converse.
His role models are Kanye Westand A$AP Rocky.
He taught himself how to speak Englishand can speak it extremely well.
He is a big advocated for gay/lesbian rights.
Despite his rough and tough imagehe is very playful and relaxed.
Birth Name: Park Ji min
Stage Name: Jimin
Position: Vocal, Dancer
Birthday: October 13, 1995
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 60 kg
nickname: Dooly, Jimminnie
Blood Type: A
He views himself as “fat” and his self conscious of his looks and cheeks.
His favorite foods are porkduckchickenfruitand kimchi jjigae.
His favorite colors are blue and black.
Is known for his impressive abs.
His ideal type is a nice and cute girl who is smaller than him.
If music is playing he will start to dance no matter where he is.
His role model is TaeYang of BIGBANG.
Birth Name: Kim Taehyun
Stage Name:  V
Position: Vocal
Birthday: December 30, 1995
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: AB
He has been in the group for awhilebut fans didnt know of hear of him until the time around his debut.
It is said that when his teaser image was released 5 personal fan clubs were created.
He loves any type of meat.
His favorite colors are blackgreenand white.
His ideal type is someone who takes care of him and loves only him.  He also wants her to have a lot of aegyo.
They call him Blank Tae because of his blank expression.
Members say he is a horrible cook.
He has a habit of biting his nails.
His role model is his dad.
Birth Name: Jeon Jung Kook
Stage Name: Jungkook
Position: Vocal, Dancer, Rapper, Maknae
Birthday: September 1, 1997
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Blood Type: A
His favorite foods are anything with flour (pizzabreadetc)
His favorite colors are redblackand white.
He is rhinitis (irritation and inflammation in the inside of your nose).  So he sniffles a lot.
His role model is G-Dragon of BIGBANG.
Said to be a very skilled cook.

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